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The Great Storm of 1673 in the UK


The Great Storm of 1673 is one of the most devastating natural disasters ever to hit London. The storm struck on November 23rd, causing severe damage to property and killing over 8,000 people. The damage was so extensive that it took years for the city’s infrastructure to recover fully from its effects.
This article will provide an overview of this tragic event, including its impact on Londoners during that time period and how they responded after being hit by such a destructive force.

The Storm’s Beginnings

The Great Storm of 1673 was a devastating natural disaster that struck England and Wales on the night of November 9, 1673. It was one of the most severe storms in recorded history, killing an estimated 8,000 people and destroying thousands of homes across southern England.
The storm formed over the Atlantic Ocean before moving towards Europe and hitting Ireland first. It then moved southward towards England where it caused widespread damage to land and property in coastal areas from Devon to Sussex (the counties most affected by this particular storm).

The Storm’s Impact

The storm’s impact on the UK was devastating. The country lost a significant portion of its population and was forced to rebuild much of its infrastructure. In addition, many people were left without homes or food sources due to the destruction caused by the storm.
The storm also had an impact on Europe as a whole; however, this impact was not nearly as severe as it was in England. The majority of damage occurred along England’s coastline where many ships sank or were damaged beyond repair due to high winds and waves crashing against them with tremendous force.

The Storm’s Aftermath

The storm’s aftermath was characterized by a period of economic depression and political turmoil. The damage sustained by the city’s infrastructure resulted in a shortage of food, which caused prices to rise dramatically. As a result, many people were unable to afford basic necessities such as bread and milk. Additionally, thousands of livestock were killed during the storm or died from starvation afterward due to lack of food; this led to an increase in meat prices that further strained many families’ budgets.
The Great Storm also had lasting political effects on Britain: it contributed significantly toward King Charles II’s decision not to call Parliament together until 1680 (the longest period without Parliament since 1641). This decision allowed him more time for personal pursuits such as hunting and horse racing–activities that he preferred over governing–and helped shape what became known as “absolutism” within England’s government system during this period

The Storm’s Legacy

The Great Storm of 1673 has left a lasting legacy on the history, culture and science of England.
The storm’s historical significance is best illustrated by its impact on London: it destroyed thousands of homes and businesses in the city and killed thousands more people. It also led to widespread famine as crops were destroyed by flooding or wind damage; this forced many people from their homes into urban areas where there was little food available for them to eat. In addition, survivors had no way to rebuild their homes because most construction materials had been lost during the storm itself or washed away by floodwaters afterwards (this was before modern building codes were put in place).
The cultural impact was equally significant–it inspired William Shakespeare’s famous play King Lear (1605), which includes one scene where two characters discuss how “the great winds blow” while another character responds “And make our skie-cappes shake?” This line comes directly from eyewitness accounts given by survivors who saw trees being blown over onto houses during The Great Storm of 1673!


The Great Storm of 1673 was a devastating natural disaster that killed thousands and destroyed countless homes. It’s estimated that over 10,000 people died from the storm, with many more injured as well. The damage it caused was so extensive that it took years for countries like England and France to recover from its effects.
The legacy of this great storm has lasted for centuries; even today we remember it as one of history’s most tragic events.


“The Great Storm of 1673: A Historical Overview.” Historic UK. Accessed March 20, 2022.

“The Great Storm of 1673.” The National Archives. Accessed March 20, 2022.

“Great Storm of 1673 – Facts & Summary.” HISTORY. Accessed March 20, 2022.

“1673 England Cyclone.” American Meteorological Society. Accessed March 20, 2022.

“The Great Storm of 1673: How a Hurricane Changed the Course of English History.” The Vintage News. Accessed March 20, 2022.

“The Great Storm of 1673.” The Royal Society. Accessed March 20, 2022.






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